Don't put yourself at risk of a 4% penalty under MIPS. To check if you need to submit data to MIPS, enter your 10-digit National Provider Identifier (NPI) number.
If you're exempt from MIPS with the first review, you won't need to do anything else for MIPS this year. If you are included in MIPS, you may be exempt with the second review of eligibility determinations at the end of 2017. Learn more about MIPS eligibility.
To fully participate in MIPS you must report on 90-days of performance in three MIPS categories: Quality (formerly known as PQRS), Advancing Care Information (previously Meaningful Use), and Improvement Activities (new!). Want to maximize your incentive eligibility? To earn the highest MIPS score you must take action before October 2 to plan and attest for a full 90-days of performance for MIPS Improvement Activities.
Check out the MACRA & Delivery Reform Information Center by visiting:
The Performance Measures Unit has finalized the 2017 Orthopaedic Preferred Set of Specialty Measures (OPS) that orthopaedic surgeons can use to comply with the Quality component of the MIPS reporting requirements.
Members of the AAOS Evidence-Based Medicine have created a set of tools to facilitate and encourage the conduct of high-quality research with the goal of establishing a stronger and more comprehensive evidence base for clinical practice guideline (CPG) recommendation and performance measure (PM) development. Drawing on methodology and resources utilized in guideline development, the Research Roadmap seeks to give researchers insight to improve or self-assess their work, regardless of level of
Advocating for the orthopaedic surgeon, patients and musculoskeletal health in New York. 1-518-439-0000 Address: PO Box 38004, Albany, NY 12203