We have been monitoring the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) and its contents very closely in recent weeks.
This Act, as you may know, attempts to alleviate some of the financial burdens that individuals and businesses may be facing.
Join Altfest Personal Wealth Management on Wednesday, April 22 for Financial Opportunities for Surgeons: What You Need to Know During the COVID-19 Pandemic, an interactive webinar highlighting specific opportunities available for surgeons and their businesses through the CARES Act and in today’s current environment.
Register today!
Topics to be discussed:
Altfest provides personalized financial guidance for physicians and their families that goes beyond investments, offering education in key services for medical professionals, including creditor and asset protection, tax planning and debt management. MSSNY has endorsed them as its preferred wealth management provider.
Advocating for the orthopaedic surgeon, patients and musculoskeletal health in New York.
info@nyssos.org 1-518-439-0000 Address: PO Box 38004, Albany, NY 12203